Maui Environmental Consulting, LLC
Below you will see some of the many projects Maui Environmental Consulting, LLC (MEC) has worked on. We have experience in water quality, wetland and wildlife ecology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), botany, and restoration ecology.

Māʻalaea Bay Watersheds Management Plan
MEC just completed a Watershed Management Plan for Waikapū and Waiakoa Watersheds. These two Watersheds – together referred to as the Māʻalaea Watersheds - converge in Maui's central isthmus, and bridge the gap between the Pōhākea and Southwest Maui Watershed Plans.
Reaching elevations of approximately 4,400 feet in the West Maui Mountains, the Waikapū Watershed extends to the southeast and covers an area of 10,393 acres. The Waiakoa Watershed encompasses 35,331 acres, beginning at the summit of Haleakalā at 10,023 feet. It extends northwest unitl its boundaries meet with the Waikapu Watershed. All but one of the streams within the Māʻalaea Bay Watersheds are ephemeral, flowing only during stormwater events. These streams drain into Keālia Pond and the coastal waters of Māʻalaea Bay.
Click here for more information on the Māʻalaea Bay Watersheds Management Plan.

Pōhākea Watershed Management Plan
Encompassing approximately 5,268 acres, Pōhākea Watershed extends from the summit of Hanaula at 4,616 feet in Mauna Kahālāwai to the southeast where its gulches and gullies drain into the waters of Māʻalaea Bay. Land management plays an important role in maintaining healthy coastal waters. The goal of the Plan is to identify the various sources of pollution within the watershed, and to provide the best management practices and strategies that will empower watershed coordinators, stakeholders, resource managers, policy makers, and community members to combat water pollution. Now that the Pōhākea Watershed Plan has been approved, projects within the watershed are eligible for Section 319 funding from the EPA. The Pōhākea Watershed Plan can be found here.

Wetland Delineations in American Samoa
At the request of the American Samoa Government, Department of Commerce, MEC has delineated four of the priority wetlands identified by DOC. The four priority wetlands include Nu’uuli Pala Lagoon, Aunuʻu, Masefau, and Leone. The purpose of the site visits was to determine the jurisdictional limits of the wetlands in accordance with the USACE 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual and the 2012 Supplement for the Hawaii and Pacific Islands Region. MEC staff also trained American Samoa Coastal Management Program (ASCMP) staff that were in attendance during the wetland delineations on the methods being employed.

Keokea Riparian Rehabilitation Project
Teaming with the Central Maui Soil and Water Conservation District, the Hawaii Department of Health Clean Water Branch, Maui County, and Haleakala Ranch, MEC has worked to rehabilitate 7.4 acres of the Keokea Gulch riparian corridor. The purpose of this project is to improve water quality, plant and promote native dryland forest, reduce the amount of wastewater entering injection wells, provide opportunities for cultural experiences, community outreach and involvement, and to educate the community on native dryland forest ecosystems and habitats.
Approximately 3,000 native shrubs and trees have been planted within the riparian zone.
Click here to learn more about this project.

Maalaea Triangle Parking Lot
Low Impact Development Feasibility Study
Working with the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, the Maui Ocean Center, and the Maalaea Triangle Association, MEC is providing Low Impact Development (LID) research, evaluation, and design services for the Maalaea Triangle parking lot located in the urban corridor of the Pohakea watershed. This process includes identifying pollutants of concern and outcome objectives, developing performance standards, and meeting with stakeholders to build consensus on which LID Best Management Practices should be utilized.

Numerous Wetland Delineations Throughout the State of Hawaii
MEC has delineated numerous wetlands throughout the State of Hawaiʻi. These wetland delineations were conducted in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual and the 2012 Supplement for the Hawaiʻi and Pacific Islands Region. Wetlands observed in the field were marked with wetland flags used to depict wetland limits and were recorded using a global positioning system. This data was then used to create an ArcGIS map depicting the jurisdictional limits of wetlands within the project boundary. Wetland Delineation reports were then submitted to the USACE to receive formal Jurisdictional Determinations.

Numerous Wildlife Surveys Throughout the State of Hawaii
MEC has conducted numerous wildlife surveys throughout the State of Hawaiʻi. These wildlife surveys were conducted in consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife regarding the occurrence of listed species and protected habitats.

Southwest Maui Watershed Plan
Central Maui Soil and Water Conservation District
Teaming with the Central Maui Soil and Water Conservation District, the Hawaii Department of Health Clean Water Branch, and the Maui County Office of Economic Development, MEC developed the Southwest Maui Watershed Plan (SMWP). The SMWP provides pollution reduction measures for the 49,688 acre planning area extending from the summit of Haleakalā to the coastal areas of Kihei, Wailea, and Makena. The SMWP was recently approved as a priority watershed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii Department of Health Clean Water Branch meaning the watershed is eligible for Federal 319 Grant Program funding beginning in 2020.
Download the Southwest Maui Watershed Plan HERE.

Pohakea Stormwater Management Plan
MEC recently completed the Pohakea Stormwater Management Plan for the Pohakea watershed which discharges into Maalaea Harbor and Maalaea Bay. This study was requested by the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council and involved a review of the current landscape conditions affecting water quality within Maalaea Bay, focusing on erosion and sediment transport caused by surface water flow during stormwater events. Results from the study included an extensive list of implementation projects designed to address non-point source pollution throughout the watershed and will improve water quality in both the harbor and the bay. Using the Plan when applying for grant funding, Maui Nui Marine Resource Council was able to raise over $700,000 to implement projects proposed in the Plan.
The Pohakea Stormwater Management Plan can be downloaded HERE.

Low Impact Design (LID) Education and Outreach
MEC has worked with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources to build the technical capacity of Maui County stakeholders to implement LID and align incentives to encourage widespread adoption of LID best management practices (BMPs) across public and private landscapes. This is accomplished by training County employees in LID through their participation in training exercises, by designing incentives to integrate LID methodologies into County ordinances and watershed management planning efforts, and by working with private landowners, developers, and engineers on Maui to plan LID on their properties.

Honolua Bay/Lipoa Point Stormwater Management Plan
MEC created a stormwater management plan for the State of Hawaii’s newly acquired Honolua Bay / Lipoa Point lands located north of Kapalua in the West Maui Mountains. The purpose of this stormwater management plan was to identify and offer management strategies for the various stormwater related sources of erosion and sediment currently observed within the Honolua Bay / Lipoa Point project boundary. On-site review of observed indicators of erosion, sources of sediment, Department of Health Clean Water Branch (DOH CWB) water quality data, Geographic Information System (GIS) data, local community expert information, and historical literature for the project were reviewed in the preparation of the stormwater management plan.

Department of Transportation
Listed Species Surveys
Working for a major Hawaiian construction company, MEC was asked to assess the potential occurrence of Hawaiian waterbird species on the Department of Transportation Opaekaʻa Bridge Rebuild Project on the island of Kauai. The purpose of this survey was to identify the presence and relative abundance of Hawaiian waterbird species associated with the project location and surrounding habitat. A summary report from these surveys was prepared for submittal to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation
Kaheawa Wind Farm
MEC has worked on one of the largest wind farms in the State of Hawaii, the Kaheawa Wind Farm. It is located on the island of Maui above the town of Maalaea in the West Maui Mountains. Phase one (KWP I) of the project was completed in 2006 by developer and operator First Wind and produces 30 MW from 20 GE Energy 1.5 MW wind turbines. Phase two (KWP II), completed in July 2012, built 14 turbines below phase one with an additional 21 MW for a total capacity of 51 MW serving 18,700 homes. Kaheawa is the first wind farm in the United States to use a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to protect the long term health of local species, including three endemic birds and one endemic bat. The Makamakaʻole seabird mitigation project was included as part of the HCP to provide protected habitat for Hawaiian petrels and Newellʻs shearwaters. Services on the wind farm have included road construction monitoring to ensure the safety of listed species. Services at the Makamakaʻole mitigation site have included predator control, fence maintenance, and invasive weed control.

Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
This Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) addresses anticipated impacts to state and federal threatened, endangered, and listed species from the construction of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) at the Institute for Astronomy (IfA) Haleakalā High Altitude Observatory (HO) on Maui, Hawai‘i. Working with KC Environmental, MEC has collected and managed noise and vibration data for construction in close proximity to Hawaiian Petrel habitat. MEC has also monitored bird activity and behavior utilizing video surveillance technology.

Hawai'i County Scenic Resources Inventory and Mapping Project
Working with Hawai'i County and Planning Consultants Hawai'i, LLC., MEC identified and inventoried Hawai'i County's scenic, viewshed, and open space resources from major roadways and other appropriate public spaces using ArcGIS software, digital photography and GPS technology. MEC produced viewshed analyses for use with geodesign-based scenario modeling (i.e. CommunityViz). In addition, MEC built an Access database used in storing all field data collected.

County of Maui Post-Disaster Community Outreach
Conducted community outreach, education and engagement for the development of the County of Maui (Hawaii) Department of Planning's post-disaster reconstruction guidelines and protocols for the conservation of coastal resources and protection of coastal communities on the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. The NOAA-funded project involves conducting research of best management practices, developing a building reconstruction framework, conducting workshops/focus groups and outreach to remote, high risk, vulnerable populations. Issues involve climate change, sea level rise, environmental and cultural sensitivity, and innovative engagement with native Hawaiian communities.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope
Working with KC Environmental, MEC was tasked with taking a pre-existing Site Specific Construction Best Management Practices Plan and transforming it to conform with new or additional requirements detailed in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as described in the 2013 Hawaii Administrative Rule, Title 11, Chapter 55, Appendix C.